Ahhh.... it's been almost two weeks since I came back from a week-long trip to the Mainland. I visited some of my favorite people in the lovely (and chilly!) city of San Francisco, CA. Months prior to my departure I was getting myself pumped up about all of the lovely treats I would sample and feast upon whilest in the land of legal raw milk. The shock of being in the cold city was only bearable thanks to my wonderful friends, the glorious organic bounty of California and quite possibly the neighborhood thrift shop!
As you know by now, I'm a total sucker for food and I love to make amateur food porn! I did my best to photograph some of the lovely produce and goodies along the way as well as collecting as much information as possible from the different vendors I fell in love with at the farmer's market. Somehow though, I spaced taking any photos of the long coveted milk that I was constantly chugging! (So, I'll just have to borrow those from the net). My old roomie/best buddy with whom I was staying on my trip, Christopher, was along for the ride and I think that he might be a budding foodie thanks to my visit!