Friday, December 10, 2010

Delicious Holiday Spice Oatmeal Cookies - Gluten & Sugar Free

Okay so there's no sugar in these cookies, but that doesn't mean they aren't deliciously sweet! Keep reading to find out the secret sweet ingredient that makes these Holiday cookies to-live-for!

Holiday Oatmeal Spice Cookies Gluten & Sugar Free

Celiac Disease (Revised and Updated Edition): A Hidden Epidemic
Holiday cookie baking is serious tradition in my family. When the weather turns cold and windy we fire up the oven and turn out some tasty treats - that is if we don't eat all the dough first!

Over the years our food traditions are trending away from mainstream commercial style cooking to a more nourishing whole food style approach. Over the past year my little brother has come to the conclusion that he's a Celiac man (i.e. no wheat no gluten). For myself I have come to realize that sugar even in the purest raw cane sugar form is disastrous in my body setting off many things - the most dreaded of all being migraines! So this year, when the weather turned nasty, we wanted gingerbread cookies. My brother wanted gluten free and I sugar free. Thus was born the Holiday Spice Oatmeal Cookie!

Not being terribly enthusiastic about cookies without wheat oats were my first pick, as I love oatmeal cookies (usually with chocolate chips)! The dates were my choice as an alternative-to-sugar sweetener; fruit has the added benefit of lending moisture to baked goods plus all the nutritive qualities of whole food - vitamins, minerals, fiber. On a side note: Dates and oats contain the essential amino acid tryptophan, which is the same thing in turkey that makes you sleepy! These cookies won't knock you out, but with the oats, dates and cinnamon (helps balance blood sugar) you won't be getting the sugar high and crash roller coaster that regular cookies take you on!

  • 1 1/2 C Gluten-Free Rolled Oats
  • 1 1/2 C Gluten-Free Oat Flour
  • 1 C Packed Pitted Dates (we used the Medjool variety)
  • 1/2 C (4 oz) Grass-Fed Butter (i.e. Kerrygold Brand)
  • 1 Egg (pastured or free-range organic)
  • 1 T Coconut Oil
  • 1 T Fresh Grated Ginger
  • 1 1/2 t Cinnamon
  • 1 t Ground Allspice
  • 1/2 t Ground Cloves
  • 1/4 t Nutmeg (fresh grated if possible)
  • 1/2 t Baking Soda
  • 1/2 t Finely-ground Sea Salt
  • 1/2 t Vanilla Extract
1. Food process dates and coconut oil until in tiny pieces.
2. Cream butter and scrape down sides of the bowl.
3. Add the spices to creamed butter and mix on low for about 15-30 seconds. Scrape down sides.
4. Add chopped dates to butter mixture and mix on low until well incorporated. Scrape down sides.
5. Add egg to the butter mixture and mix on low until incorporated. Scrape down sides.
6. Add oat flour and mix on low until well incorporated. Scrape down sides.
7. Add rolled oats and mix on low until well incorporated. Scrape down sides.
8. Put dough to chill in refrigerator and preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
DeMarle 2406 Silpat 11-3/4-by-8-1/4-Inch Nonstick Silicone Baking Mat9. After oven has preheated (15 min +) remove dough from oven and shape into balls (teaspoon or tablespoon sized) on a greased cookie sheet (We use a Silpat on a cookie sheet and LOVE it!). Slightly flatten cookies on top. They will not change much in size so feel free to place them 1 inch apart.
10. Bake on 350 F until lightly browned on edges or until toothpick comes out clean. For teaspoon sized cookies: 12 min. For tablespoon sized cookies: 16 min.
11. When done, promptly remove pan from the oven, remove the cookies from the pan placing them onto cooling rack or plate.
12. Let cool and ENJOY!! Don't forget to share your cookies! 

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  1. They taste waaay better than they look ;) I highly suggest whipping up a batch ASAP! :D
