Saturday, November 20, 2010

Left-Over Oatmeal Flap Jacks

It's a glorious Saturday morning! My darling is out lending a hand at a friend's ranch and I slept-in until my precious little pug's tap-dancing outside my door woke me up.  Next door my brother is the only one left at home and I'm sure that he's still in bed :) I've fed the two dogs, three cats and one magnificent big horse. Now it's my turn!
Delicious Breakfast Oatmeal Flap Jacks

Bob's Red Mill Oats, Rolled Extra Thick, 32-Ounce (Pack of 4)
Thick Rolled Oats
Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats
Nourishing Traditions
Ever since getting Nourishing Traditions my BF and I have been on a serious mush kick. I say mush because oatmeal doesn't really do justice. We soak our delicious Bob's Red Mill oats at least overnight with a touch of vinegar (I haven't got any whey yet and our dairy choices are dismal, but that's another story). Soaked oats (grains and legumes) are far more digestible and nutritious than un-soaked (it's all a part of the plant's survival strategy- they want their seeds to pass on and still be able to grow! - i.e. undigested).

The mush (soaked and cooked oats) is great with a touch of honey, cinnamon, topped with some nuts, seeds and of course plenty of KerryGold butter andcoconut oil! Mmmm. It's the perfect remedy for those crisp wintery mornings (yes, in Hawai'i). But my favorite of all are the flap jacks!


Take the left over oatmeal (we just leave ours sitting out) and mix in 1 egg per 1 Cup of leftover mush, stir and fry in cocnut oil or butter.  As always, chose farm fresh eggs if possible or organic free-range eggs. (Also, I've been adding in two eggs per one cup to make it extra fluffy :D.) Enjoy topped with more butter real maple syrup or raw local honey! Easy peasy! One cup is enough for one or two people depending on your appitite and if there's anything else on the menu.

Chef's Tip: The trick to getting perfectly crisp edges and a lovely golden brown color is to use quality oil or butter and keep the fire on a medium to low heat. Depending on the size of your jacks they need time to cook half way through before you flip them over. Don't rush the jacks! Because of the thickness of the oats they retain heat really well so give 'em a few minutes to cool before diggin in :).

Variations: Mix in any nuts seeds coconut or spices you like :-)

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